Full Moon Circle

Join us on September 8th to celebrate the full moon so you can

find spiritual community | reconnect & heal | raise your vibration

Why the full moon is the best time to (re)activate your spirituality…

Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by the brilliance of the full moon?

You’re in good company.

The moon has been adored, honoured & looked up to for thousands of years
for guidance & support.

Maybe you’re feeling the impact of things going on in the world, or maybe you have difficult things happening in your own life.

You might be feeling stuck, or exhausted from spinning in mental circles.

It could be that you’ve already done a ton of personal work & you’re ready to step into your next level.

Moon celebrations allow you to gather in safe, supportive & sacred community to:

~ release what you are no longer a match to

~ create space & intentions to call in what you want

~ harness the power of the moon’s energy

~ get insight & inspiration for the month ahead

August’s full moon is particularly powerful under the influence of Aquarius.

Get your ticket for only $27 USD:

Give yourself the gift of
harnessing the moon’s energy.

What to expect in the circle…

While each 90-minute Full Moon Circle will be slightly different, you can expect a guided process where you’ll get:

  • this month’s current moon wisdom, so you know what the heck it is you’re feeling “in the air”

  • a moon-inspired meditation & journal prompts specific to this moon’s energy, so you can take away insight & practical action for your life now

  • a BodyTalk matrix healing session, so you can release whatever this moon is bringing up for you, “bye-bye energy blocks”

  • optional laser coaching, so you can receive personalized guidance for the month ahead

  • an opportunity to ask your moon & spiritual related questions

  • dedicated time to connect with the other participants, so you can meet & get to know other like-hearted spiritual seekers

What clients are saying…

  • Immediate Shifts: “After today’s session, I feel sooo good!”

    Leanne Whitehall, Mentorship Client

  • Experience & Expertise: “Erica believes in building people up. She is open minded & respectful of other spiritual practices. She has a real talent, knowledge base & skill set you do not see everyday.”  

    Jordon Gray, Reiki Client

  • Lasting Change: “I decided to work with Erica because I was looking for change at a cellular & energy level. I wasn’t just looking for knowledge or talking.”

    Allison Taylor, Business Coaching Client

Meet Your Moon Circle Facilitator

Erica Blackburn, Spiritual Healer & Mentor, is an international expert in energy medicine and consciousness-based health practices. She founded the Invite Your Light™ Method for Spiritual Evolution.

With 10 years of experience, teaching & coaching hundreds of clients, Erica helps to heal burnout, stress & anxiety so that you can live vibrantly & elevate your life!

She has the gift of deep wisdom & knows exactly what support & action steps a client needs to help them evolve to their next level. 

When she’s not nerding out on all things spiritual in her home of Halifax, Nova Scotia, you can find her cuddling her puppy-niece, learning to sing a new song, or at family game night.

The Full Moon Circle will help you to…

  • Find Spiritual Community

  • Reconnect & Heal

  • Raise Your Vibration

Ready to recharge & receive?

Join me & other spiritual souls

September 8th, 2022

Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm ADT

Location: Virtual via Zoom, Replay Provided

Investment: $27 USD