The Top 10 Best Journal Prompts for Spiritual Awakening
Journaling is an effective way to connect with your higher Self and your authentic Self. It supports you in awakening and connecting with the spark of universal consciousness and innate wisdom inside of you!
Journaling can help move you beyond your conscious mind, conditioned responses, and limiting beliefs to access a deeper truth that your conscious mind may be filtering (or interfering with) the full expression of.
Below is a selection of my top 10 journaling favorites! These are the best journaling prompts to support your spiritual awakening and “aha” moments.
To begin:
- get your journal (or what you like to journal on);
- grab a pen or some multi-coloured markers;
- give yourself 10-30 minutes in a safe, comfortable, and fairly quiet space.
Now, let’s get started:
List 5 specific things you appreciate in your life. And why.
The practice of gratitude is powerful. Keep the feeling and sensation of appreciation active in your life by listing specifically what you are grateful for each morning and evening.
If you want to take this practice to the next level, with each item you list describe WHY you are grateful for it, or what you appreciate about it.
This allows you to move beyond the “object” (person, place, or thing) and go more deeply to the reason, the essence of the “object”.
There is even more powerful energy to connect to when you connect to the essence! So, list your “what” and list your “why”!
2. What do I know to be true? What am I doing about it?
Have you heard of the phrase, “truth hurts”? (And I don’t just mean the Lizzo song, but this is a good cue to pop that song on while you read about this journal prompt)!
We all have the truth inside of us. Sometimes you can hear it, feel it, know it, see it...but more often than not we are suppressing it. Pushing it down, and hoping it doesn’t rise to the surface. This creates more pain and suffering.
This prompt is an opportunity to meet your truth face to face. This creates freedom and vitality.
Then, once you say hello to this truth (are you feeling inspired to listen to the Adele song now too?), to take it to the next level inquire what you are doing about this truth-knowing that you have.
Now, you know your truth, and you know the level of accountability and responsibility you are meeting it with. This takes your knowing and supports it with action. It takes courage too, but I know you’ve got that! (Ok, the last song, Pink and Sia’s: Courage (to change)).
3. What do I feel called toward? Why?
I feel that we each have a calling, a destiny, a purpose, a dharma, that Source, the Universe, the Heavens are calling us toward. When you follow it, you evolve and you help humanity to evolve.
It doesn’t have to be one big jump, often, it is a combination of small steps and bigger leaps — all moving you closer and closer to your destiny.
Asking why can help you to clarify if there are multiple ways your calling, destiny, purpose, or dharma can be fulfilled, it helps to expand the mind into seeing many opportunities and the best next one to take.
These steps and leaps and jumps aren’t always easy or linear, often they are neither, but they are worth it!
The first step is simply being aware, this prompt will support you in that!
4. Where do I feel out of integrity with myself?
Once, when I was at an outdoor adventure park, the park guide said to our group of eager participants: “This is where it begins, and it only gets harder from here”. I thought, great… but that little voice inside of me said, you can do it, you’ve got this!
I share that same wisdom with you! These journaling prompts are going to become deeper and more real the further you go down the list! AND you can do it, you’ve got this!
Integrity is like an antenna, it is your honest meter, your moral compass, and I encourage you to locate the feeling of it inside of yourself. It is the way that you can nourish your inner wholeness and well-being if you are in alignment with it.
Sometimes, you are moving through life so quickly, being pulled this way and that, you miss the opportunity to check-in with your honest, moral, integrity antenna. Here is your chance. Where are you not living up to what you know you can or could be living up to?
5. What am I currently resisting? Why?
Resistance is commonly misunderstood.
When you come up against resistance, especially in personal growth and development work, it usually means a big breakthrough is close by — just on the other side of the resistance you are feeling and experiencing.
By exploring the resistance, you can face it, move through it with more grace, and cultivate wisdom during the process!
Look at resistance as an opportunity for growth, rather than a hindrance to it.
6. I get in my own why by…
This one can be a fun exploration… and another way to identify resistance that you may not realize is holding you back.
I encourage you to write out this sentence “I get it my own way by…” 5-10 times and then complete all of the sentences.
When you repeat the exercise in this way, it gives your subconscious or unconscious mind a chance to pop up an awareness that may not be in your conscious mind.
7. What are my top three superpowers?
You have gifts, talents, and skills that when combined are unique and special to you!
This question, in particular, you may like to ask of a few close friends, family members, or colleagues, people you trust to know you well, and people who see your greatness, even if you don’t.
Get creative too! These don't have to be common answers. If you were at “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, what would your superpowers be?
You may surprise yourself and realize, if you look at them from a slightly different perspective, you can cultivate the essence of these superpowers in the real world too!
8. When I am at my best, I am…
Much like #6 on the list above, this one can be a fun exploration…
I encourage you to write out this sentence “When I am at my best, I am…” 5-10 times and then complete all of the sentences.
When you repeat the exercise in this way, it gives your subconscious or unconscious mind a chance to pop up an awarenesses that may not be in your conscious mind.
9. An ideal day for me looks like…
Meet this sentence completion exercise with an open mind and an open heart. This is not the time to edit yourself.
Instead, Play big! Be bold! What do you want? What do you really, really want?
Even if you have to “make it up”… or you have no idea how you would get what you want — that’s okay — let yourself dream, imagine, and create… the universe can sort out the details for you.
10. What is it like to be me?
If you haven’t realized it just yet, journaling is a beautiful way to become more intimate with yourSELF. Your true, authentic nature.
This question in particular is an invitation to know and love YOU! This can also be a question that you ask of someone else… “what is it like to be you?”.
Part of the reason for doing journaling inquiry is so that you can build or re-build a connection with yourself, with Source, and with others.
If you have any “aha” moments, insights, or discoveries you’d like to share, connect with me! I’d love to hear how you enjoyed these journaling prompts and what they awakened for you!
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After studying for more than ten years with globally-recognized mentors and teachers, in the fields of: Yoga, Reiki, BodyTalk, Energy Healing, Chinese Medicine, Consciousness-based Living, Life & Business Coaching; combined with a decade of serving community and private practice clients, Erica brings to you the best practices to guide you inward and upward in your life.
Her curated method, Invite Your Light™, is infused into all of her work with clients, whether working together 1:1 or in groups. curated method, Invite Your Light™, is infused into all of her work with clients, whether working together 1:1 or in groups.