Everywhere You Go There You Are: an exploration of why doing your inner work impacts your life
Do you remember this scene from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s? It is near the end of the film, Holly is sitting in the back of a taxi, ready to flee New York to escape the emotional and mental pain she is experiencing, which she believes is due to events and relationships in her life. Paul, her love interest, standing in the pouring rain, looks at Holly through the open taxi door and says:
“No matter where you run, you end up running into yourself.”
Originally, I was inspired to write about this topic because of the tendency to “get out of town”, travel, and seek a different location to be in during the summer months – whether it is a cottage, a beach or a new city! This topic was chosen before the experience of Covid-19. Now, the desire to have a “getaway” may be highlighted even more so because of the long periods of isolation and restrictions on travel.
From a consciousness-based perspective there is an opportunity here! Rather than exploring or changing your “external” environment, a consciousness-based perspective allows you to explore your inner environment – your mind! It is your mind that creates belief systems, conditions, judgements, opinions – all based in fear - to protect you. To keep you safe. It is your mind that creates the projections you see surrounding you!
What if instead of changing your external environment, you explored your mind in a safe and loving way?
This is one way I support my clients in resolving conflicts in their lives, by helping them to decode and retrain their brain in order to gain a new perspective about their life and their experiences.
A fundamental principle of the consciousness-based work we do together is:
“everywhere you go – there you are!”
Often, the underlying reason for traveling, moving, changing location, or a relationship of any kind – home, work, life – is to cope and manage. There is a pain that is being denied inside, and you may believe that exerting effort to “fix” your outer world will be the solution.
In theory, this is a brilliant strategy. In reality, you may recall your own experiences whereby trying to change something in your environment: relationships, jobs, houses, cities, countries, etc. only led to that very same thing you were avoiding popping up in your new: relationship, job, home, etc.
The reason “everywhere you go – there you are” is because as your mind creates belief systems, conditions, judgements, and opinions they become filters on your senses. These lenses you are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching through are distorted by your mind. This helps the mind stay safe through rules, making meaning and creating shortcuts. The information your brain receives from your senses is thus incomplete, but the mind (falsely) believes it has the whole picture!
Imagine all the effort, energy and time you may put toward changing what is “outside” of you, when the root of what needs to be loved, embraced and become whole is on the inside – your mind. As belief systems, conditions, judgements, and opinions are resolved, they become wisdom in your heart.
Because of this inner alchemy you may notice there is no longer a need to change, fix, escape or travel from the very moment you are in: the present moment.
As the mind experiences wholeness, all possibilities are then available and equal. Energy is undifferentiated and your experience simply unfolds.
This may look many different ways. And the whole mind does not judge it at all.
You are already whole.
Let’s resolve the filters in your mind and on your senses so that you can embrace and experience your wholeness now.
Book your free discovery call today,
I’d love to guide you through the process!
After studying for more than ten years with globally-recognized mentors and teachers, in the fields of: Yoga, Reiki, BodyTalk, Energy Healing, Chinese Medicine, Consciousness-based Living, Life & Business Coaching; combined with a decade of serving community and private practice clients, Erica brings to you the best practices to guide you inward and upward in your life.
Her curated method, Invite Your Light™, is infused into all of her work with clients, whether working together 1:1 or in groups.