The Story Behind the Brand
In my practice of spiritual healing + mentoring, everything I do, and share, has a meaning behind it. That same spirit of consciousness-based choice is behind the logo design you see here.
Allow me to share with you what it all means…
Spiritual Healing + Mentoring
Sounds cool...but, what does this actually mean? In short, restoring yourself back to who you really are.
I believe the things that we most seek, the healing, the knowledge, the connectedness already lives within and speaks to us (sometimes in a whisper, in clues and messages) - my role, as I hold space for YOU, is to help you tune in to, and listen to, your inner wisdom and amplify your inner light. This is a shift - from your head to your heart. AND it is a collaboration between the best parts of your heart and your head - they both have something to offer - we can uncover that together!
The Seed of Life
This seed is already planted within you - within each of us. When it’s not flourishing, blooming, and thriving you feel “stuck”, “disconnected”, “blocked”, like you’re living smaller than you’re meant to be.
You’re in a cycle of pain and suffering that’s hard to break out of, attracting the same pattern of events and cycle of limiting thought again and again.
The Seed of Life, a sacred geometry symbol, represents the divine design and consciousness in all things, a.k.a. the blueprints WITHIN YOU, ready to be expressed into your life. It represents the wholeness that you already are.
And, like a seed, under the right support (spiritual healing + mentoring) and conditions (shifts in the subconscious mind and the release of energetic blocks) the fullness of your potential can express itself.
The Star Compass
This represents the outward movement we each journey on as we develop, grow and move away from our ‘true nature’.
The star compass represents the path of moving away from and returning back to who you really are. For some, this may be a big pivot, for others it may be subtle shifts and small adjustments.
The good news is your destination is not on some unknown horizon - it’s already living deep within you.
Because we are relational beings (who need connection and reflection) we often need support or assistance - like spiritual healing + mentoring - to - like the inner compass - guide us back inward.
Sage Colour: This represents the sage wisdom - already living within. It’s the channeler, the healer, the aspect of your inborn wisdom that we will highlight through spiritual healing + mentorship. It’s the PART OF YOU that, when restored, allows you to fulfill your destiny or purpose. AND feel that fulfillment.
It is the inner colour of The Seed of Life because the work that I share is from my heart to yours. It creates a heart-to-heart (chakra) connection! I share and teach integral practices that recognize your inner wisdom, the Sage, in you!
Blue Colour: This symbolizes your voice, your throat chakra, which expresses who you really are into the world. When the throat chakra is blocked, and we speak from a place of fear or doubt, we deny who really are.
As part of my practice of spiritual healing + mentoring I hold space for you and facilitate the release of the blocks, filters and fears - that may be dimming your bright inner light -from shining outward into the world in your unique way. The release of these blocks and fears allows you to regain agency in your life and move into Self-authoring - embracing and living the essence of who you really are – in co-creation with Universal Consciousness.
Ready to explore how I can help you?
After studying for more than ten years with globally-recognized mentors and teachers, in the fields of: Yoga, Reiki, BodyTalk, Energy Healing, Chinese Medicine, Consciousness-based Living, Life & Business Coaching; combined with a decade of serving community and private practice clients, Erica brings to you the best practices to guide you inward and upward in your life. Her curated method, Invite Your Light™, is infused into all of her work with clients whether working together 1:1 or in groups.